Frank Fortino
CEO at Metropolis

Frank Fortino is the CEO of a building code and zoning consulting firm, Metropolis Group Inc., in Manhattan. He runs the business as a family business but with a corporate mind set. His clients are large developer and owners of high rise buildings as well as small projects.Frank oversees the administrative, technical, and financial divisions of the firm. His dedication, focus and passion for hiswork enable him to be an outstanding communicator, decision maker, leader, and manager. He plans, directs, and coordinates operational activities, sets the company’s goals and benchmarks, and develops business expansion by attaining new clients. Frank meets with each department head to develop the overall objectives of the company, and determines and formulates policies and business strategies that cultivate the firm’s long term vision. His business philosophy is based on the recognition that there are two key ingredients to a successful firm: satisfied clients and productive employees.Frank is a father of 3 wonderful children (now all grown up and in the work place). Happily married for 33 perfect years and going strong!