Curious About Joining NY Alliance?
Unfortunately, NY Alliance is not accepting new applications for members at this time. However, feel free to email [email protected] if you feel you would add value to the group of c-suite executives in the Tri-State Area.
Mutual Support
Ever feel in your heart that you should have won a deal but didn’t close it because you couldn’t have an impactful conversation with the top decision-maker? Enter NY Alliance. Members commit to support each other.
Paying It Forward
A strategic call or email from one member routinely opens previously locked doors for another. The Alliance’s “Pay It Forward” culture ensures that all members act as a team knowing that in the long run everyone in the room wins.
Teaching Others
It’s often lonely at the top. C-level executives and business owners are expected to have all the answers, but sometimes lack the internal resources or peers to stay current on all the issues. NY Alliance peer groups, committees and MBA series of speakers and events give members multiple forums to seek advice from trustworthy experts.
More Than Business
Whether it be how to start an ESOP for your employees, what cutting edge technology might revolutionize how you do business, understanding an economy centered on an increasingly important millennial culture, or simply how to reach out to a business or network that you haven’t been able to reach, NY Alliance has you covered.