A Community of Experts Committed to Growth & Collaboration
NY Alliance members are accomplished business owners, founders, and senior executives from industry-leading companies and high-growth, disruptive firms. Driven by expertise and a passion for innovation, they are dedicated to the Alliance’s growth and the success of their peers. With a “Pay it Forward” mentality, members actively collaborate, share insights, and leverage their unique connections to help one another thrive.
Frank Abbatiello
President at USI Insurance Services
Jonathan Andrew
Managing Director at Gardiner & Theobald Inc.
Kurtis Ayton
Vice President, Sales at Pareto
Scott Berger
President at Arista
Peter Bernstein
COO at Alexander Wolf
Rocco Bove
Principal at Summit Facility Solutions
Laura Brito
General Manager at Dynasty Elevator
Paul Cartularo
Business Development Manager at Richard L Hoffman & Assoc
Rich Colucci
President at Distinctive Offices
Anthony De Filippis
Co-CEO at CargoTrans
Nunzio De Filippis
Co-CEO at CargoTrans
Jon Ecker
Founder at POM Technologies
Mackenzie Ehrling
Head of Client Delivery at Pareto
Eric Ettinger
President at Ettinger Engineering Associates
Katelin Farrell
Head of Sales at Blace
Adam Felsenstein
Partner at THSH
Josh Fleischmann
Marketing Director at Blondie's
Frank Fortino
CEO at Metropolis
Greg Fortino
Chief Operating Officer at Metropolis
Alex Frei
Chief Executive Officer at Reboot Electronic Recycling
Alex Friedman
President at Ruckus
Brian Geller
Vice President of Business Development at Alexander Wolf
Tim Glover
Partner at SOS
Thiara Gomez
Business Development Specialist at Capitol Fire Sprinkler
Mark Green
President & CEO at Sher Del
Jonathan Greenspun
Managing Director at Mercury
James Hannah
Managing Director at Parity
Jack Hendler
Co-Chief Executive Officer at Avalon Net Worth
Joel Hirschtritt
Managing Partner at THSH
Rick Hoffman
President at Richard L Hoffman & Assoc
Mia Imbesi
Partner at USI Insurance Services
Eyal Isaac
CEO at LISS Technologies
Leila Jada
Philip Josovic
Account Executive at Premier Supplies
David Kaufman
Audit Partner at Eisner Amper
Jarad Kleinberg
Director of Operations and Business Development at MKDA
Michael Kleinberg
President at MKDA
Adam Levine
President at Capitol Fire Sprinkler
Andrew Liebhaber
President at Liebhaber Company
Michael Madarash
Business Development, Principal Designer & Project Management at Blondies
Roger Marquis
Business Development Director at Liebhaber Company
Kristen McDermott
Principal at Summit Facility Solutions
James Melnichok
Managing Director, Client Services at TitleVest
John Mezzo
President at Dynasty Elevator
Deepti Mittal
Partner of The Mittal Talwar Team at Douglas Elliman Real Estate
Ricky Novick
Managing Director at Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC
Jordan Ottinger
Client Partnerships at Fooda
Jeff Pinsky
Executive Vice President/Founder at ePromos
Robert Post
Vice President of Sales, Condo & Co-Op at Parity
Will Pulman
Founder and CEO at Layr
David Quinn
Executive Vice President at Benhar Office Interiors
Kevin Quinn
Partner at USI Insurance Services
Ira Reisman
President at LISS Technologies
Michael Rosone
VP - Service Sales/Marketing at Arista
Craig Rothman
Partner at Eisner Amper
Claudia Scheinman
Vice President at Benhar Office Interiors
Bob Scherzer
Managing Director at Pensionmark Financial Group, LLC
Tony Sclafani
Managing Director at Mercury
Jeremy Shao
President at Infinity Interactive
Marc Shapses
Vice Chairman at Savills
Eva Shih
Managing Director at Savills
Ken Shook
Partner at Longman Lindsey
Brad Strong
Regional Vice President at Fooda
Brian Tormey
President at TitleVest
Eric Toth
Vice President of Sales at Sher-Del Transfer
Mitch Wergiles
President at Premier Supplies
Tommy Williams
Vice President Sales at USI Insurance Services